A new Quarto Webpage
I now changed my whole blog and website workflow over to Quarto and so far it’s great and surprisingly easy: I could move my previous website and blog, which resided in two different GitHub repositories - there was a reason! - into one and had everything around set up in a few hours.
Rather than writing another tutorial on how to set up a website like this, I simply want to thank Samantha Csik who wrote two excellent tutorials on creating a website, and setting up a blog.
Quarto of course has additional important information, e.g., for configuring GitHub Actions for publishing on GitHub pages.
Tips & Tricks
I still might find a few additional tips and tricks, which I will try to write down.
Listings on Index
Similar to setting up a listings page for the blog part of the website, it is also possible to highlight single items on other sites of the webpage.
Here, for example, I am adding the most recent blog post to my index page, by adding the snippet below to the header.
contents: blog
type: grid
sort: "date desc"
categories: false
max-items: 1
grid-columns: 1
grid-item-align: center
Using GitHub Actions (Quarto tutorial)
Just for people who are as confused as me - if you use the GitHub Actions workflow detailed in the Quarto tutorial, make sure that your GitHub pages uses Deploy from a branch
as a source, using the root
directory of gh-pages
- and not GitHub actions :)